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In this edition:
- eMHPrac’s new research evidence factsheet
- Ware it purple day for LGBTQIA+ young people
- Proposed social media reforms for young people
- Release of Outside the City Report for rural suicide prevention
- eMHPrac Podcast – Deep listening and becoming better allies to our First Nations clients and colleagues
- Live webinars from Black Dog Institute
- “The Evidence for Using Online Mental Health Treatment Programs”
- “How online resources are changing mental health care around the world”
- Recent blogs:
- “An overview of digital mental health assessment”
- “Learnings from Limerick – Conference insights on digital mental health research”
- “WellMob for non-Indigenous health professionals: Building cultural competency and finding suitable resources for your clients”
- “Making self-care a regular part of practice: A reflection from one Aboriginal health professional to another”
- See the eMHPrac team at these upcoming conferences
- Read the latest dMH research articles
- This month’s featured service: Beyond Blue Forums
Have you read our new research evidence factsheet?

We have recently released an overview of the research evidence supporting various digital mental health resource types, offering insights into their efficacy and impact. This factsheet also highlights several Australian digital services with strong evidence of effectiveness. This resource will be helpful for clinicians, researchers, and policymakers looking to integrate digital tools into mental health care. Access the factsheet on our website here.
Wear It Purple Day: Supporting LGBTQIA+ Young People

Wear It Purple Day on August 25th is a day to promote supportive and inclusive environments for young LGBTQIA+ people. Health professionals can play a vital role by utilising digital mental health resources tailored to this community. Our LGBTQIA+ factsheet offers an overview of essential services, including crisis support like Kids Helpline, as well as resources like QLife and ReachOut. Access the factsheet on our website here.
Proposed Social Media Reforms to Enhance Youth Mental Health Safety

ReachOut, Beyond Blue, and Black Dog Institute are advocating for changes to social media platforms to improve safety for young people. Their recommendations to the Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society include verifying mental health information, limiting infinite scroll features, and implementing safety-by-design principles.
Designing Effective Suicide Prevention for Rural Communities

The Manna Institute‘s “Outside the City” report presents strategies for regional, rural, and remote communities, developed through workshops and co-design sessions at the Lived Experience of Suicide Summit and the Rural Mental Health Conference. The report, created in collaboration with partners like Everymind and the Tasmanian Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Directorate, emphasises the importance of online, digital, and telephone interventions in boosting suicide prevention efforts in these areas.
New Episode of Digital Mental Health Musings Podcast

Dr Mim Weber on deep listening and becoming better allies to our First Nations clients and colleagues
In this episode WellMob’s senior workforce development officer, Dr Mim Weber joins us to talk about her journey into allyship – what that looks like for her, how it can foster deeper connections with First Nations colleagues and clients and how WellMob’s digital tools and resources can help in your own journey. We look at the burden of cultural load that many of our First Nations clients and colleagues carry, and how we can turn to digital resources to lighten that load.
Listen or watch the full episode now on our website, or you can search, subscribe, and listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Live webinars from Black Dog Institute

“The Evidence for Using Online Mental Health Treatment Programs”
When: Online, Thurs 12 Sept 12:30pm AEST and Thurs 12 Sept 6pm AEST The term digital mental health covers a wide range of online resources for mental health care. This includes, but is not limited to, the CBT-based treatment programs that Australia has led the world in developing. The scientific evidence is important for practitioner confidence but sometimes our patients and clients want to know about it too. This webinar will make it easier for you to explain why you are recommending an online treatment program. Please join Dr. Jan Orman and Prof Nick Titov, founder of the Mindspot Clinic at Macquarie University, who will discuss the evidence to support online CBT delivery. They will talk about the evidence to support the use of online mental health treatment programs in general as well as the Mindspot Clinic specifically.
“How online resources are changing mental health care around the world”
When: Online, Tues 29 Oct 12.30pm AEST and Tues 29 Oct 6pm AEST eMHPrac (e mental health in practice) Project Director Heidi Sturk recently spoke at the 12th Annual Scientific Meeting International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII) in Limerick, Ireland. She returned with a lot of exciting news about what’s going on internationally in the digital mental health space. In this webinar, Dr. Jan Orman will speak with Heidi Sturk about the conference learnings and some of the developments she found most exciting. It seems there is a lot happening and talking to Heidi will help us all keep up!
“An Overview of Digital Mental Health Assessment”
Ways health practitioners can use technology for mental health assessment, and the challenges and opportunities they offer.
“Learnings from Limerick – Conference Insights on Digital Mental Health Research”
A summary from a selection of presentations at the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII) Scientific Meeting.
“WellMob for non-Indigenous Health Professionals: Building Cultural Competency and Finding Suitable Resources for your Clients”
How health workers can use WellMob for their professional development and their own self-care.
“Making Self-Care a regular part of practice: A reflection from one Aboriginal health professional to another”
Guest author Tiarnee Schafer reflects on her own journey and experiences balancing work and personal time, and looking after her own wellbeing.

Catch us at these upcoming conferences
The Annual Mental Health Services (TheMHS) Conference
27-30 August 2024, National Convention Centre Canberra, ACT
Workshop and Trade Exhibit
Celebrating difference and looking beyond to find common ground.
See eMHPrac’s Director Heidi Sturk and Black Dog Institute’s Dr Jan Orman present a workshop, “Is Digital Mental Health Helpful for People with Complex Mental Health Conditions?”.
National Rural Health Conference
16-18 September 2024, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, WA
Presentation and Trade Exhibit
Imaging, inspire & innovate.
See eMHPrac’s Directory Heidi Sturk present on “Building Rural Health Workforce Capability in Digital Mental Health” and visit the eMHPrac Team at the trade exhibit.
Digital Mental Health International Congress
19 – 20 September 2024, Ottowa, Canada
Digital Building Capacity: 24/7 Mental Health Support for All.
See eMHPrac’s Directory Heidi Sturk present.

What we’ve been reading
Digital psychological services play a vital role in the mental health care landscape
Nielssen, O. (2024). Digital psychological services play a vital role in the mental health care landscape. Retrieved from:
March, S., Spence, S. H., Myers, L., Ford, M., Smith, G., & Donovan, C. L. (2023). Stepped-care versus therapist-guided, internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for childhood and adolescent anxiety: A non-inferiority trial. Internet Interventions, 34, 100675.
Australian Digital Mental Health Services: Consumer Perceptions of Their Usability and Acceptability
Ftanou, M., Machlin, A., Mangelsdorf, S.N. et al. Australian Digital Mental Health Services: Consumer Perceptions of Their Usability and Acceptability. J. technol. behav. sci. (2024).
Our featured service… Beyond Blue Forums

About Beyond Blue Forums
Beyond Blue Forums are an NSQDMH accredited, moderated peer support service for people to share their individual experiences with mental health within a digital platform. The forums cover a range of topics such as; anxiety, depression, PTSD, suicidal thoughts, staying well, relationships and family. The forums can also help people to connect and facilitate conversations about identity and culture with dedicated spaces for young people, LGBTQI+ people, multicultural communities and people dealing with grief and loss.
Read our blog delving into the Beyond Blue Forums here.