FAQs About Our Mental Health Resources
Why Digital Mental Health Resources?
Digital mental health programs and tools are continuing to find a key place in the delivery of mental health and wellbeing support for many Australians. These services can provide an easily accessible method of help and there is good evidence of positive outcomes.
Digital mental health services can be used as a stand-alone intervention or adjunct to other treatment. There are also some excellent web-based programs that offer free practitioner support. While there is always a place for face-to-face care, digital mental health provides a range of options for mental health support and care.
Who Has Access to Our Mental Health Resource Library?
Our online mental health resources are completely free. Anyone who is interested in broadening their knowledge of mental health has the opportunity to do so with our library of digital mental health resources.
Where Are Our Online Resources From?
The evidence-based online programs and tools are sourced from the Federal Government, universities, and numerous Australian mental health organisations, such as Black Dog Institute, Beyond Blue and many more. A full list of organisations relevant to our mission can be found at our Directory page. From here you may find more resources and helpful information.
Who Are Our Mental Health Resources For?
These free mental health resources have been tailored towards health practitioners in order to help you support your clients or patients. Our resources are suitable for general practitioners (GPs), psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, nurses and anyone helping someone with mental health concerns.
Many of us feel overwhelmed by the range of digital mental health options available. We provide straightforward and easy information to help you choose relevant programs and tools to use in your practice.
Our resources are part of eMHPrac’s mission to provide nationwide promotion, training, mentoring and other support to health practitioners in the use of digital mental health programs and tools in primary care.