Today is International Men’s Day, and we wanted to take this opportunity to look at men’s mental health and the digital mental health services providing information and support to men with mental health concerns. There are a range of digital mental health services available in various formats to support men with a range of mental health conditions, relationship issues or going through a tough time.
The resources below are designed to support men to take care of their mental health and wellbeing. They provide information, tips, strategies and support to help men take care of their mental health, manage mental health conditions and make changes in their life.

Better Health Channel
Men’s Health
Healthy Mind
The Better Health Channel provides information to help people understand their health and medical conditions to improve their health and wellbeing. Their website includes information on a range of topics relating to men’s health, including mental health and a healthy mind.

Better Man
Better Man is an online program to help men who use violence in their intimate relationships. The program aims to help people strengthen and improve their relationships by working through 3 modules on better relationships, better values and better communication.

Beyond Blue
1300 22 4636
Beyond Blue is a mental health organization providing support and information on a range of mental health topics including anxiety, depression, supporting someone and staying well. The website includes information on how mental health conditions affect men, including looking after yourself, looking out for mates, the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression, causes, advice for new dads and strategies to make positive changes. Beyond Blue also provides a mind quiz for men experiencing distressing thoughts and feelings to help identify next steps to do something about it.

Body Talk
Puberty, Relationships, Gender Identity
Body Talk is a website providing relevant and accurate information about bodies, relationships and health for young people, parents and carers. The website includes information for boys on what to expect during puberty, the human body, navigating relationships, sexuality and gender identity.

Brother to Brother Crisis Line
1800 435 799
The Brother to Brother Crisis Line is a phone support service for Aboriginal men who need someone about relationship issues, family violence, parenting, drug and alcohol issues, or struggling to cope for other reasons. The crisis line is available 24 hours and staffed entirely by Aboriginal men with lived experiences, including Elders.

Butterfly Foundation
Males, eating disorders and body image
1800 33 4673
The Butterfly Foundation provides telephone and online counselling, referral services, psychoeducation, moderated online support groups and information for anyone needing guidance with an eating disorder. Their website includes information for men experiencing eating disorders and body image issues including presentation and behaviour in men, who is most at risk, the early signs, recovery and getting support.

Changing for Good
1300 015 120
Changing for Good is a telephone counselling and online support service from MensLine Australia to help men stop using violence in their family and relationships. The program aims to help men recognize their abusive behaviours and end their use of violence. Changing for Good requires men to have completed a behaviour change program in the last 6 months.

Grief reactions in men
GriefLink is a website providing information to people dealing with grief caused by death, and those supporting them. The GriefLink website includes information on grief reactions in men, including how men’s roles affect how they experience and respond to their emotions and grief, and how can grieving men best help themselves.

HeadGear is an easy-to-use smartphone app developed by Black Dog Institute, guiding users through a 30 day mental fitness challenge to build resilience and wellbeing. The app features a range of simple daily activities to help reduce and manage stress, improve sleep, connect better with friends, and deal with difficult situations. While appropriate for anyone, the app was originally designed with a male audience in mind.

Inside Out Institute for Eating Disorders
Boys and Men
The Inside Out Institute for Eating Disorders provides online screening, assessment tools, information and resources for people with eating disorders and their supports. Their website includes information eating disorders for boys and men, including statistics, recognition, diagnosis, research in to eating disorders.

Men experiencing difficult times toolkit
Lifeline is a crisis support and suicide prevention service providing phone and online chat support, and information. Their website includes information for men experiencing difficult times, such as common causes for difficult times for men, common signs of stress and strain, and ways to get through tough times.

Living Well
Living Well is a website and app that provides information, resources and telephone support to men who have been sexually abused or assaulted, their partners, family members and friends. Their website includes videos, wellbeing and mindfulness strategies, information, ways to manage difficulties and wellbeing assessment.

1300 78 99 78
MensLine Australia is a 24hr advice, therapy, and support service for men with family and relationship concerns. It is a national service available from anywhere in Australia staffed by professional counsellors experienced in men’s issues. MensLine provides a safe and confidential service providing support, coaching, and practical strategies for managing personal relationship concerns and linking to other appropriate services where appropriate.

New Roots
New Roots is an app supporting the health and wellbeing of men from Arabic, Farsi and Tamil-speaking backgrounds who have recently arrived in Australia. The app includes information, tips and tools to help with starting a new life and stay positive in a new country. New Roots aims to provide health and wellbeing and assist with participating in community life.

No to Violence
No to Violence is a telephone counselling, information and referral service for men taking responsibility for their violent behaviour, or on behalf of others. They specialize in effective, evidence-informed interventions for men using domestic and family violence.

SANE Australia
Mental health tips for men (from men)
How to talk to a mate about their mental health
How to ‘be a man’ living with bipolar – from relationships to dealing with male stereotypes
SANE Australia provides straightforward and concise information on treatment and self-help, phone and online counselling, and moderated peer support for people affected by complex mental health issues. The website includes a range of information and resources for men such as mental health tips, strategies to help men talk about mental health and information for men living with bipolar disorder.

Our Mob: Men
WellMob is an online library of culturally relevant digital mental health resources developed for and by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, including videos, apps, podcasts and other websites. Resources are organized into 6 sections; mind, body, our mob, culture, keeping safe and healing. The Our Mob category includes a range of topics including ‘Men’ where First Nations men can find inspiration from shared stories and explore men’s healing journeys on mental health and wellbeing issues.
There are a range of digital mental health resources available to support fathers, providing information, advice and peer support for parenting and their own mental health and wellbeing. To learn more about the services designed to support fathers please read our article ‘Digital Mental Health Resources for Fathers’ here: