Health professionals and first responders face many challenges in the workplace which can place them at risk for mental health issues, or make it more challenging to manage existing mental health problems. There are many workplace factors that affect health professionals’ mental wellbeing, increasing their risk of stress, burnout, moral injury, depression, trauma and other mental health challenges.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic health professionals have experienced increased mental health challenges, however the mental health and wellbeing of health professionals can be negatively impacted by their work environment at any time. There are a range of self-care strategies, evidence-based interventions and systematic or organisational changes that can help protect and support the mental health and wellbeing of health professionals and first responders. The podcasts below provide health professionals with information regarding mental health and wellbeing in their workforce and ways to prevent or manage mental health issues.

Who’s Looking After Us? Supporting health care workers during COVID-19
eMHPrac Webinar-Based Podcasts, Black Dog Institute
This podcast series is based on a range of webinars developed by the eMHPrac team, keeping listeners up to date with the latest eMental Health research and information on incorporating eMental Health into practice. This episode discusses the mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Australian health professionals and current research about the consequences to expect in the population, in colleagues and individuals. Host Dr Jan Orman and guest experts will also discuss what strategies need to be put in place to mitigate the effects of future crises on health care workers.
Host: Dr Jan Orman
Speakers: Jessica Strudwick, Dr Carol Newall, Dr Jocelyn Lowinger
Listen to the full episode here:

eMHPrac Webinar-Based Podcasts, Black Dog Institute
This episode in the Black Dog Institute eMHPrac Webinar-Based Podcast series explores the issue of burnout, an issue much talked about of late in the health professions and human services generally. Burnout is not considered a disorder per se, but a set of symptoms associated with intolerable levels of work stress. In this episode the panel discusses what constitutes burnout, what causes burnout, and what we can do to prevent and treat it.
Speakers: Prof. Gordon Parker, Dr Elizabeth Lennon, Dr Jocelyn Lowinger, Gabriela Tavella
Listen to the full episode here:

First Responder Wellbeing
Let’s Talk, Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health
The Let’s Talk podcast series is produced by journalist Kia Handley with the Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health about mental health issues in rural and regional Australia. The series explores some of the big issues and initiatives saving peoples’ lives. This episode discusses the experiences of first responders on the front lines of disasters, and how well we look after the mental wellbeing of emergency workers. Two former first responders share their experiences with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and what they are doing now to help others, exploring the role listeners can play in keeping emergency workers mentally healthy.
Speakers: Ross Beckley, John Payne, Steve Carrigg
Listen to the full episode here:

Being Human
Pomegranate Health, RACP
Pomegranate Health is a professional development podcast focusing on topics such as challenges in decision-making, clinical ethics, social good and physician wellbeing. In this episode they discuss burnout, depression and suicide in the health workforce, causes of psychiatric distress in the medical profession and how their systems might be shaped to improve physician wellbeing.
Speakers: Dr Geoff Toogood, Dr Margaret Kay, Dr Hilton Koppe, Mic Canazzini
Listen to the full episode here:

Physician, Heal Thyself
Pomegranate Health, RACP
This episode in the Pomegranate Health podcast series discusses how well doctors follow their own advice on preventative health, why doctors may experience higher rates of depression and anxiety, and common fears around mandatory reporting. Featured speaker Dr Jill Gordon breaks down her five steps to help a colleague and ways to maintain good health.
Speakers: Dr Kieran Le Plastrier, Dr Jill Gordon, Dr Roger Sexton, Dr Edwin Whiteside, Camille Mercep
Listen to the full episode here:

Health Practitioner Wellbeing in the Pandemic Era and Beyond
Taking Care: A podcast of conversations about public safety and healthcare, AHPRA
The Taking Care podcast, hosted by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, is a series of interviews and conversations with members of the Australian health community. They discuss current issues, myths, common questions and ways to best protect the public and support the safe delivery of healthcare in Australia. This episode discusses the health and wellbeing of Australia’s health practitioners during the COVID-19 pandemic and into the future. The explore how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected health practitioners, particularly the additional stress and pressure they are under, the consequences of this, ways practitioners can improve their wellbeing and the pandemic kindness movement.
Speakers: Susan Biggar, Margie Stuchberry, Dr Jane Munro, Dr Kym Jenkins
Listen to the full episode here: