Pregnancy and the first year of parenting are exciting times, however, it can bring new challenges and put a strain on parents’ mental health and wellbeing. With 1 in 5 expecting or new mums and 1 in 10 expecting or new dads experiencing perinatal anxiety or depression (Panda 2020 Budget Submission) perinatal mental illnesses affect many Australian families every year.
Perinatal Mental Health Week is an annual event to highlight the challenges faced in pregnancy and early parenthood, sharing information, and helping new and expecting parents connect with support through their community and with mental health professionals.
It can be challenging to treat parents experiencing perinatal mental health issues, as they are often time-poor and lacking routine. However, empowering parents to take care of their own wellbeing can have far-reaching benefits for the baby and family as a whole.
Digital mental health services are one option to help overcome some of these challenges, as they can be accessed from home and integrated into a busy lifestyle. Digital resources can be a great tool to support your patients and clients, delivering full treatment, in-the-moment coping tools and crisis support online or over the phone. They can be self-driven or practitioner-guided and can be used alone or in combination with face to face therapy.
Digital mental health services can help parents:
- Cope with low moods, anxiety, or everyday stress.
- Manage the changing roles, relationships, and identity.
- Access mental health support specifically designed for them and learn how and when to seek further support.
- Build confidence in coping with pregnancy, birth, and parenting.
- Find parenting tips on caring for a baby and working together.
Digital services to get you started

ph: 1300 726 306
Resources, an online forum, mental health checklist, and a national helpline providing emotional support for new and expecting parents.

For When Helpline
ph: 1300 24 23 22
National perinatal mental health navigation service with a helpline and information to connect expecting and new parents to appropriate services.

Pregnancy, Birth and Baby
ph: 1800 882 436
Information, and phone or video with a mental child health nurse for personal advice and guidance on pregnancy, birth, being a parent and raising a child.

ph: 1300 072 637
Miscarriage, stillbirth and newborn death support website, email, live chat, Facebook groups and phone line.

Guiding Light
ph: 1300 308 307
Resources, information and link to support for the sudden or unexpected death of a baby or young child.

The Centre for Perinatal Excellence provides information for expectant and new pares, with links on where to get support.

A ‘one-stop-shop’ for the mental health of new mums, including information, free resources and access to a range on line mental health treatment programs. Include the MumMoodBooser and Mum2BMoodBooster online CBT programs for pregnant women and new mothers who are experiencing depression and anxiety.

Direct Advice for Dads (DADs)
Articles and tips for dads by dads.

A free message service that provides information, tips and encouragement to expecting and new dads.

An app and online program providing information, tips, monitoring and planning tools to help pregnant women and new mothers cope with emotional changes.

What Were We Thinking?
An app and online program providing week-by-week information on essential topics to help mums and dads adjust to the first six months of life with a baby.

Deadly Tots
An app providing information for every Aboriginal family with children aged 0 to 5 help their Bub learn and grow.

Baby Steps
Online program to enhance the wellbeing of new mums and dads.

THIS WAY UP Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Programs
Three lesson self-guided programs teaching new and expecting mothers how to tackle feelings of anxiety, worry, and low mood during pregnancy and the postpartum period, to build confidence and improve how they feel.
Download out factsheet on Digital Mental Health Resources for New and Expecting Parents for more.