As we approach Valentine’s Day it can be a difficult time for individuals dealing with issues in their relationships or the absence of a romantic relationship in their life. On a day where we celebrate romance and love, it can be distressing when experiencing feelings of loneliness, or issues in your relationship. These feelings can be exacerbated by all the advertising in shops and on social media. While relationship concerns can affect your mental health at any time, special days like these can bring these issues to the forefront.
Some relationships involve domestic violence and we urge anyone experiencing this to seek help. There are also many other relationship issues that can impact your mental health and wellbeing, and these may relate to a partner, family member, or a friend. All relationships experience their ups and downs but sometimes we need support for the difficult times.
If you are struggling with your relationship and are in need of support, visit one of the following digital mental health resources:

1800 737 732
1800Respect is a 24-hour telephone and online counselling service to assist people in Australia experiencing sexual, domestic, and family violence. They provide information, help with safety planning and finding support, and guidance for professionals on how best to assist people experiencing sexual assault or domestic/family violence. The 1800 RESPECT service is completely confidential, and their trained counsellors will listen to your needs and feelings to find out what is right for your information.

Beyond Blue Online Forum
The Beyond Blue Online Forum ‘Relationships and family issues‘ offers a safe, supportive, motivated online peer support forum for anything to do with managing relationships and family. This includes parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships. The forum is free to access with registration and moderated by Beyond Blue.

E-Couch is a free, interactive self-help program with modules for depression, generalised anxiety & worry, social anxiety, relationship breakdown, and loss & grief. It teaches evidence-based strategies drawn from cognitive behavioural and interpersonal therapies. The module starts by providing information about symptoms, diagnosis and getting help. Users then work through a toolkit that draws on a range of therapies including CBT, interpersonal psychotherapy, physical activity, and arousal reduction techniques.

Mensline Australia
1300 78 99 78
Mensline is a 24-hour telephone and online advice, therapy and support for men, family and relationship concerns. They provide telephone with callback, online and video counselling to men who want to better manage their relationship, have concerns about being a father, are dealing with separation or family breakdown, or have concerns about their own wellbeing and behaviour. The service is staffed by experienced, professional counsellors providing private, confidential, anonymous and non-judgemental support. Through Mensline men can receive coaching on practical strategies for managing relationship concerns, information and linkage to services and programs if needed.

Breakup Shakeup
Breakup Shakeup is a behavioural activation app that provides fun activities that help young people aged 14 to 25, cope after a breakup. The app teaches people strategies to help recover faster such as planning activities with friends and relatives, and increasing social support. By helping young people rethink their negative thoughts and learn new strategies for coping with difficult times, Breakup Shakeup aims to help young people feel happier again and improve their overall wellbeing. The Breakup Shakeup app is available for download from the app store for Apple devices.