We always talk about how mental health can impact physical wellbeing, but physical health problems can also have a tremendous impact on mental health. Mental and physical health are not separate, and people with physical illnesses often experience symptoms of mental illness. In turn treating patients’ mental health concerns can help improve their response to treatment.
Digital mental health resources can be a great option in the toolkit of physical health care professionals. Referring patients to digital services can help people find peer support, learn more about their condition and access practical tools to improve their mental wellbeing alongside treatment. These resources can also help patients’ families and friends better understand and support their loved one through treatment.
There are a range of free, reputable, Australian online resources available to support for individuals, friends and family dealing with a physical health issue including:
Cancer Counselling Service
13 11 20
Telephone counselling for anyone in Queensland diagnosed with or affected by cancer.
Cancer Mind Care
A ‘one-stop-shop’ for tailored mental health support for people with cancer, their support persons, clinicians, and First Nations people.
Parenting Through Cancer
Free expert advice, counselling and the chance to connect with other parents who are dealing with their own diagnosis or cancer in their family.
Phone, online and email counselling and information to help young people aged 12 to 25 years cope with cancer.
Dementia Australia
1800 100 500
Information, resources, and a telephone/webchat advice line for people living with dementia and their families and carers.
A safe, secure online community to help young people aged 12 to 20 years, and their siblings, cope with the impact of a serious illness, mental illness, chronic health condition or disability.
Finding My Way
An online program providing information, suggestions and support to improve physical and mental wellbeing in people receiving treatment for cancer.
Better Health Channels
Information to help people understand their health and medical conditions to improve the health and wellbeing of people and communities.