This month we celebrated Pride Month, dedicated to the celebration of LGBTQIA+ people and communities. We wanted to take this opportunity to highlight the role of digital mental health services in providing safe and accessible mental health support to LGBTQIA+ individuals. Online services provide a safe environment, addressing the unique challenges and needs of the LGBTQIA+ community, sharing personal stories, and relevant information for individuals and health professionals.
Our featured service this month is QLife, a phone and online counselling and referral service for people of diverse sex, genders and sexualities.

About QLife
QLife is Australia’s first nationally-orientated counselling and referral services for people of diverse sex, genders and sexualities. Funded by the Australian Government, they provide anonymous peer support and referral for LGBTQIA+ people wanting to talk about issues relating to sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
QLife’s services are available over the phone and via webchat, and are provided by experienced LGBTIQ+ staff and volunteers.
- A national 1800 telephone counselling service (1800 184 527)
- National web-based counselling (
- A national referral database of LGBTIQ+ specialist services.
The QLife website also includes QGuides, QLives and the QLife LGBTIQ+ referral database, connecting community members and health professionals with resources and services.
Who is QLife for?
QLife focuses on peer supported telephone and web based services to diverse people of all ages experiencing poor mental health, psychological distress, social isolation, discrimination, experiences of being misgendered and/or other social determinants that impact on their health and wellbeing.
QLife is often the first point of contact for people who are coming out, but it is available to anyone, no matter how they identify.
The service is also increasingly being used by the friends and family of LGBTQIA+ people and mainstream service providers who are seeking accurate information and referral options for their relatives, friends or clients.
Is there a cost to use QLife?
No, there is no cost to use QLife.
How to access QLife
QLife’s services are available 7 days a week from 3pm to 12am. Phone support is available by calling 1800 184 527.
QLife’s online chat service is available here, requiring registration with a post code. Users can also choose to provide their age, gender experience/identity, sexuality, and whether they are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander or have contacted QLife before.
The QLife referral database is available online at
QLife Research and Evidence
Over the life of the project, QLife has used the services of an external evaluator, looking at many of the project deliverables and speaking with stakeholders across multiple levels of engagement.