This month we are taking a closer look at myCompass, a free, evidence-based self-help tool that has shown to improve symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.

About Black Dog Institute

Black Dog Institute is a global leader in mental health research and the only Medical Research Institute in Australia to investigate mental health from childhood through the later stages of life. The institute’s unique translational approach enables them to rapidly translate world-class scientific findings into clinical services, educational programs, and e-health products that improve the lives of people with mental illness.
About myCompass
myCompass delivers evidence-based psychological techniques via a range of online interactive activities designed, to help identify and manage symptoms of mild to moderate depression, anxiety and stress. The program also helps users to recognise unhelpful patterns and possible triggers by tracking their thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and providing feedback.
Having achieved accreditation with the National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health (NSQDMH) Standards myCompass is a trusted digital mental health service.
myCompass can be undertaken at the user’s convenience, with each module including three 10 to 15 minute sessions, which are available anytime. The mood tracking component takes around 1 to 2 minutes per day to complete. While there is no set amount of time users must engage to ’complete’ the program, it is recommended that users commit to the program for a minimum of seven weeks to gain the full benefit.
Before undertaking the program, users can also access a self-assessment for depression or anxiety to help learn whether they have symptoms and if the myCompass program might be suitable for them.
What features does myCompass offer?

Symptom tacking and feedback
- Real time self-monitoring of problem moods, thoughts and beahaviours.
- Graphical feedback on self-monitoring which can be filtered and printed to help identify themes.
- Tracking analysis and recommendations for users who track at least 6 times across 2 weeks.
- Optional reminders.

Interactive learning activities
- 14 evidence-based and interactive learning activities.
- Derived from CBT, Interpersonal Psychotherapy, Problem-solving Therapy and Positive Psychology.
- Modules that are easy to navigate and are compatible on mobile devices

- Tips, facts, and motivational messages relating to topics such as depression, anxiety, stress, trauma and exercise.
- Users and browse all snippets, create a favourites list, or opt to receive snippets by SMS and/or email.

Knowledge Centre
- Information, links and resources across a range of topics.
Who is myCompass for?
myCompass was designed to support Australian adults aged 18+ with mild to moderate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and/or stress.
The program also includes online learning activities for people living with diabetes and as well as activities for men with mild to moderate depressive symptoms.
Benefits of myCompass
There are many benefits to using myCompass for clients/patients including:
- The program can be completed privately, and anonymously.
- Offers a customisable experience, recommending learning activities to best suit their needs.
- Flexible, easy-to-access and self-guided to users can work at their own pace.
- Provides real data about users own mental health, making it easier for clients/patients to talk and take action.
How can Health Professionals use myCompass
Health professionals can easily refer clients/patients to myCompass as part of a Mental Health Treatment Plan by emailing them a link to the program, providing them with a printed myCompass patient information sheet or introducing them to myCompass with a consultation.
It is recommended that health professionals note the myCompass recommendation in their patient notes and on the Mental Health Treatment Plan, as well as following up with the patient/client about their use of myCompass.
Download the brochure for Health Professionals here to help guide the conversation about myCompass with your client/patient.
Is there a cost to use myCompass
myCompass is free to use, with no sign up fees, or hidden costs or charges.
How to access myCompass
myCompass is available online at
myCompass Research and Evaluation
The effectiveness of myCompass has been assessed through a large scale community-based controlled trial, completed in 2012. This trial found that the myCompass program has been shown to significantly reduce mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress, and significantly improve levels of work and social functioning in seven weeks.
Learn more about the outcomes of this randomised control trial here.
For more research citations visit:
- Clarke, J., Proudfoot, J., Whitton, A., Birch, M. R., Boyd, M., Parker, G., . . . Fogarty, A. (2016). Therapeutic Alliance With a Fully Automated Mobile Phone and Web-Based Intervention: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Ment Health, 3(1), e10. doi: 10.2196/mental.4656
- Clarke, J., Vatiliotis, V., Verge, C. F., Holmes-Walker, J., Campbell, L. V., Wilhelm, K., & Proudfoot, J. (2015). A mobile phone and web-based intervention for improving mental well-being in young people with type 1 diabetes: design of a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Res Protoc, 4(2), e50. doi: 10.2196/resprot.4032
- Clark, J., Proudfoot, J., Birth, M.-R., Whitton, A., Parker, G., Manicavasagar, V., Harrison, V., Christensen, H., & Hadzi-Pavlovic, D. (2014). Effects of mental health self-efficacy on outcomes of a mobile phone and web intervention for mild-to-moderate depression, anxiety and stress: secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 14: 272.
- Harrison, V., Proudfoot, J., Wee, P. P., Parker, G., Pavlovic, D. H., & Manicavasagar, V. (2011). Mobile mental health: review of the emerging field and proof of concept study. J Ment Health, 20(6), 509-524. doi: 10.3109/09638237.2011.608746
- Nilsson, A., Sorman, K., Klingvall, J., Ovelius, E., Lundberg, J., & Hellner, C. (2019). MyCompass in a Swedish context – lessons learned from the transfer of a self-guided intervention targeting mental health problems. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1), 51. doi: 10.1186/s12888-019-2039-1
- Proudfoot, J., Clarke, J., Birch, M. R., Whitton, A. E., Parker, G., Manicavasagar, V., . . . Hadzi-Pavlovic, D. (2013). Impact of a mobile phone and web program on symptom and functional outcomes for people with mild-to-moderate depression, anxiety and stress: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 13(312), 1-12. doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-13-312
- Proudfoot, J., Clarke, J., Gunn, J., Fletcher, S., Sanatkar, S., Wilhelm, K., . . . Christensen, H. (2017). A Web-Based Public Health Intervention to Reduce Functional Impairment and Depressive Symptoms in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes (The SpringboarD Trial): Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol. JMIR Res Protoc, 6(8), e145. doi: 10.2196/resprot.7348
- Solomon, D., Proudfoot, J., Clarke, J., & Christensen, H. (2015). e-CBT (myCompass), Antidepressant Medication, and Face-to-Face Psychological Treatment for Depression in Australia: A Cost-Effectiveness Comparison. J Med Internet Res, 17(11), e255. doi: 10.2196/jmir.4207
- Whitton, A. E., Proudfoot, J., Clarke, J., Birch, M. R., Parker, G., Manicavasagar, V., & Hadzi-Pavlovic, D. (2015). Breaking Open the Black Box: Isolating the Most Potent Features of a Web and Mobile Phone-Based Intervention for Depression, Anxiety, and Stress. JMIR Ment Health, 2(1), e3. doi: 10.2196/mental.3573