January Featured Service: Eating Disorders Carers Help Kit

January Featured Service: Eating Disorders Carers Help Kit

This month our featured service is the Eating Disorders Carers Help Kit, an online resource for carers, providing resources and community to those living with an Eating Disorder, and detailed information on supporting someone with an eating disorder.

The Eating Disorders Cares Help Kit was developed by Eating Disorders Queensland with funding from a Partners in Recovery Innovation Fund Grant from Brisbane North PHN. The project was designed to improve service integration and support the carers of adults with eating disorders by promoting system reform. This focuses on improving access to information and resources, strengthening carer’s knowledge and skills by providing tools to navigate the service system, improving the carers support community through online and social media, increasing PHN understanding of eating disorders, and promoting greater understanding of the role of carers among health professionals and service providers.

What is the Eating Disorders Carers Help Kit?

The Eating Disorders Cares Help Kit is a web-based resource providing information and support for carers about eating disorders, treatment options, and how to support someone. It provides succinct information from a variety of sources about eating disorders, the role of a carer, how to have a conversation, being there for a loved one, getting a diagnosis, treatment, eating disorder management, and resources for health professionals.


The Eating Disorders Carers Help Kit includes:

  • Quick tips: tips and general information for carers
  • Videos: video playlists, often detailing others’ lived experiences
  • Additional Readings: informative and insightful articles collected by the eating disorders carer help kit
  • Media: a collection of convenient articles, videos and podcasts featured throughout the website
  • Downloads: publications, papers and booklets as downloadable PDFs representing the latest knowledge in short, manageable documents, including Eating Disorders booklets
  • Publications: information on a selection of recommended published books for carers, and links on where to buy them from EDQ, or via third party online sellers
  • Reach Out: help for any carers in need of assistance or interested in eating disorders services


Cares can also register for meal support training from The Shared Table, an online program from the Metro North Hospital and Health Service. The training helps participants gain knowledge and skills and improve confidence around meal support.

Who is the Eating Disorders Carers Help Kit for?

The Eating Disorders Carers Help Kit is designed for carers supporting individuals with eating disorders. This includes parents, siblings, partners, friends, grandparents, health professionals, school counsellors, chaplains or any other significant people.

Is there a cost to use the Eating Disorders Carers Help Kit?

There is no cost to access any the Eating Disorders Carers Help Kit.

How to access the Eating Disorders Carers Help Kit

The Eating Disorders Carers Help Kit can be accessed online at https://eatingdisorderscarerhelpkit.com.au/.