Our featured service for August is MOST, an online mental health support platform developed by Orygen Digital for young people aged 12 to 25. The service aims to offer young people choice and flexibility in mental health support – providing tools to help get back on track when going through tough times.
Who is Orygen Digital?

Orygen Digital is an Australian research and education organisation aimed at supporting young people to grow into adulthood with optimal mental health. Their work and research is aimed directly at young people, their families and friends to pioneer new and positive approaches to the prevention and treatment of mental disorders.

About MOST
MOST stands for Moderated Online Social Therapy and provides on-demand access to tailored therapy, tools and programs to manage and improve mental health. It was developed by youth mental health experts at Orygen Digital in collaboration with young people with lived experience of mental ill-health. This digital mental health service connects young people with personalised, proven, effective support whenever and wherever they need. It provides a safe, moderated online community offering access to self-directed therapeutic content, helpful tailored information, practical tools, and real people to talk to.
MOST is digital therapy that works with or between face-to-face sessions with a clinician, or while waiting for care. Users can choose how they want to engage with the resource and human support, choosing from the various offerings including; online therapy content, tools and activities, and connecting online with peers, clinicians and career consultants.
How can Clinicians work with MOST?
MOST can be integrate with existing clinical care to support young people waiting to receive face-to-face support. Clinicians can use it in various ways such as:
- Leverage technology in client sessions by working through and discussing MOST therapy content together.
- Factor MOST content into a young person’s discharge plan.
- Encourage a young person to explore the resources in their own time.
Treating clinicians can receive a handover report from MOST upon request, summarising a young person’s engagement with MOST while they’ve been waiting for face-to-face therapy. MOST clinicians can also notify a treating clinician if they detect a client’s mental health is deteriorating.
Who is MOST for?
MOST is available to young people aged 12 to 25. It is available by referral from participating headspace or specialist youth mental health services in Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales and the ACT.
Is there a cost to use MOST?
There is no cost to use MOST.
How to access MOST
MOST requires referral from a participating headspace centre or other state health service. See a location map here to find participating centres. Access information on how to get involved with MOST at https://most.org.au/.

Tune in to the next episode of Digital Mental Health Musings, coming Tuesday 29th August, to learn more are MOST and get a behind-the-scenes look at the research and development process. Listen here or you can search, subscribe and listen wherever you get your podcasts.