Finding My Way

Finding My Way

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About Finding My Way

Finding My Way is an online self-help coping program that offers information, suggestions, and support for women and men who have recently been diagnosed with a cancer being treated with the aim of cure.

This program is being offered as part of a research project, with two different versions of the program being compared. Once registered, participants will be ‘randomly assigned’ to one of these versions. The first version offers a 6-module information resource over the internet. The second version offers the same 6-module program, but the modules have additional interactive features (worksheets, online activities, quizzes, relaxation / meditation, and a personal note-taking feature).

Who is Finding My Way for?

Finding My Way is open to anyone who is currently going through cancer treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy), or has been diagnosed in the past 6 months.

Is there a cost to use Finding My Way?


How to access Finding My Way’s services

Registration for Finding My Way is available at

Participating involves:

  1. Completing an online survey at the time of registering for the program (this takes about 25-30 minutes);
  2. Completing the 6-module program;
  3. Completing a booster module one-month after the main program has ended;
  4. Completing three further online surveys (after finishing the 6-module program; then 3-months and 6-months later).

Finding My Way Research and Evaluation

The program is based on a print self-help workbook that the program authors developed and evaluated as part of Dr Lisa Beatty’s PhD research in 2007-2008. The program authors then went on to develop and pilot-test an online version of this program from 2009-2012. In 2012 Dr Beatty and Professor Koczwara, along with a team of local and national researchers, received a 3-year National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) project grant to update the website and test it’s helpfulness in a national study.

The results of this research will be summarised and returned to the National Health & Medical Research Council, presented at various national and international conferences, and be published in medical, health, and psychology journals.